Friday, April 26, 2013

Yes - a New Post!

It's been quite a while since we posted to the blog here; one reason: we sold the "Nursing Schools" main website!

As a niche topic for a blog or website, nursing in general is a terrific niche. Nursing school, an obvious prerequisite to become licensed, meets all the criteria for an ideal subject: high search volume, high value, not overly competitive.

When we first developed the main site, we'd been working with keywords and topics in the health care field: nursing, home health care, various medical specialties. We'd launched one of our most successful sites of it's kind, "CNA Training Classes". In fact, it was the keyword research done for "CNA Training" that uncovered the nursing opportunity.

As the guy doing the research, I had no idea there was so much traffic for the topic; in fact, I hadn't even know what a Certified Nursing Assistant was! Still, the fundamentals were excellent, everything clicked, and that site went from zero, just registered, to over $100/day in just over 90 days. It went on to reach $400/day shortly after 6 months. All earning was from Adsense, which offered a lot for medical and health care keywords.

We took all that experience and turned it into an internet training course. Check it out if you get a chance! We just recently began a series or case-study on lead generation. Instead of healthcare, we chose a finance topic, retirement and how to get money from your pension. The case-study site is Sell my pension.

Hopefully, we'll resurrect this blog at this point, and so there won't be quite so much time until the next post!


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