Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Retired from nursing? Create an information product to 'cash in' your experience & expertise!

If you've been - or still are - a nurse, why not take all that knowledge and first-hand experience and turn it into information products?

It's not terribly hard to create a guide, a course, a short report, even an email newsletter simply talking about what you've done, and how you've done it.

The market for info-products is huge, and there are thousands upon thousands of people eager to hear what you have to say, learn what you know, and benefit from your experience.

Creating digital information products isn't hard, it's something you can do in your spare time, and can reward you with a nice side income.

You've devoted a lot of time, energy, and resources to learn what you've learned, and to do what you've done.

Why not share that with others - many of whom would happily pay you for the information?


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