Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Abundance of Nurse and Nurse Assistant Jobs Available
For those not able or interested in attending a 2- or 4-year nursing school, the option of becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant will open up many similar jobs. In fact, there is free CNA training available that can launch your career in the health care field.
Today nursing jobs are trying many tactics to attract more applicants. Some of these tactics include a variety of scheduling options including flex time, 4-6 hour shifts, and week end options and on call positions. There is no longer any need to look at nursing as a 40 hour per week job. Now a new nurse can ask for a schedule which suits her needs best. Nurses with experience are almost guaranteed any type of schedule that they want.
Some of the nurses today are able to take nursing jobs and share the hours between tow or more people effectively. Hospitals have nursing pools and part time job opportunities that require only a few hours a month of actual commitment. Overtime opportunities mean more money for nurses and they are taking advantage of these big buck offerings.
Some full time nurses are routinely making 80-100 thousand dollars a year and this opportunity can be yours if you make the move to nursing.
There are nursing jobs available in every state and you can work full time as a regular employee or choose to work as a contract nurse or a travel nurse. With these nursing positions you are not an employee of any one hospital and you are free to work the hours that you want at a number of different hospitals. As a travel nurse you will bring home a good salary and benefits but you will also have free housing while on assignment. With travel nursing jobs you also have your travel expenses paid for or reimbursed.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Certified Nursing Assistants Are Critical To Health Care Organizations
Certified Nursing Assistant, or "CNA" is a vital part of an effective health care organization. On a daily basis they provide care to the elderly, chronically ill, and individuals who may require special care in nursing homes or long term care facilities. It has been shown that in the next twenty years there will be a need for an additional 700,000 CNAs in the United States. It is important then that CNA Training (Certified Nursing Assistant) programs provide an individual with all of the tools they will need to thrive in their career as a CNA.
There are different titles for a Nursing Assistant who has been certified by the state in which they live. In addition to the different titles, the requirements to become a CNA also differ. Some states require more educational training and other states require more clinical training prior to being qualified to take the examination.
The length of time it takes to complete CNA Training (Certified Nursing Assistant) varies depending on who is teaching the courses, where the clinical training is taking place, and the state requirements for certification. Contacting the State Department that certifies Nursing Assistants will help one to find out what the requirements are for certification.
When a person makes the decision to begin a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) Training Program they will find that there are many opportunities available in their local area to take the necessary classes and get the clinical training that is needed. There are two phases in the CNA Training that must be completed before one can take the examination.
The first phase of the CNA Training (Certified Nursing Assistant) is conducted in a classroom setting. An individual must take certain classes which include medical terminology, First Aid, Fundamentals of Nursing, and other medical education courses. These prepare a person for working in the clinical environment safely and effectively.
The second phase of CNA Training (Certified Nursing Assistant) is clinical experience. An individual must work a specific number of hours in a clinical setting before they can take the examination for certification. The number of hours varies from state to state and can range from 40 hours to over 75 hours.
After completing both the educational and clinical requirements to qualify for the examination an individual then requests testing through the Department of Nursing Aide Programs in their State. The test will consist of two parts. The first part of the examination is based on the educational components that have been learned and the second part is designed to prove that an individual has the necessary skills to perform the job.
When a CNA moves to a different state they must request reciprocity and meet the requirements of that state before they can begin working in a facility. The requirements for reciprocity vary from state to state but in most states there are some educational requirements that must be met before a reciprocity request is granted. A person wishing to request reciprocity should contact the State Department of Nursing Aide Training Programs to get the details and requirements for the specific state they are moving to.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Certified Nursing Assistant Jobs Are Rewarding and in Demand
Many people automatically think of a position in a nursing home when they think about Certified Nursing Assistant jobs as it is very likely that is where the biggest demands of the industry lay; however that is not the only place where you can enjoy your career as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA).
Obviously nursing is not just about giving a shot or dispensing medication it is about being able to listen to the patients and since that is the basis of paid or free CNA training they are important to the effective treatment of patients when aiding the other healthcare professionals. Certified Nursing Assistant Jobs are very important in places such as nursing homes as often time’s they are the ones that spend the most time with the patients so they will likely be the first ones to notice that something is just off with one of their patients. Perhaps a subtle change in a patient’s attitude is a sign of a serious condition or perhaps a change in their regular medication routine is not producing the desire results. This type of training is one thing that makes Certified Nursing Assistant jobs so much in demand.
Often times there are openings for Certified Nursing Assistant jobs in the area of home visitation. The CNA’s are not allowed to hand out the medication or the jobs that would normally be performed by a nurse, but they can use their training to help those with physical disabilities and may have difficulties performing daily tasks. They may be responsible for helping the person bathe or any other number of chores, something that is of immense help to the person that is receiving the care, perhaps it keeps them from having to be hospitalized or depend upon moving in with relatives.
Many times there are Certified Nursing Assistant Jobs that are available at schools or daycare locations where they can assist children with a number of health related issues before they become a more serious problem. For instance, they may spot a particular infection such as ringworm, or perhaps lice, and get it handled before it gets out of control.
There may also be Certified Nursing Assistant jobs available in rehabilitation groups or some type of similar program. The licensed professionals will, of course, do all of the actually therapy work but the Certified Nursing Assistant will often have much more time to spend with the patients, helping to develop relationships, help tend to their needs, relay important information to the therapists and really become a very important part of the patient’s recovery process.
If you have ever even considered working in the medical field, especially in the specialized area of nursing, there is an abundance of Certified Nursing Assistant jobs available and this could be just what you have been looking for; some will work as a CNA while studying to get their degree in nursing, while others end up enjoying the work so much that they decide to stay right where they are.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Nursing Prerequisites for New Immigrants to Israel
The demand for licensed nurses continues to grow in Israel, so if you are planning to make Aliyah and work as a nurse, this article briefly covers Israeli nursing prerequisites for licensing. The Agaf HaSiud - the nursing division of the Misrad HaBriut (Ministry of Health), issues all Israeli registered nurse licenses, so when possible, you should have your foreign transcripts reviewed by the Misrad HaBriut, before making Aliyah. In most cases, an educational waiver will be granted if your foreign transcripts contain coursework that covers at least 80% of Israeli mandated theoretical and clinical studies coursework. If you are lacking any of the courses, you may take the necessary nursing prerequisite courses in Israel. However, in either case, a mandatory, 98 hour (7 credit) preparatory internship must be satisfactorily completed before a nursing candidate is eligible to take the exam.
The core curriculum for those interested in becoming a registered nurse in Israel requires all graduates to complete 156 academic credits. All courses completed by nursing applicants must conform to minimum standards set by the Israeli Ministry of Health. The core nursing program consists of the following four domains of study:
- Nursing sciences: 25 academic credits
- Social, Behavioral and Life sciences: 48 academic credits
- Clinical studies: 74 total academic credits broken down into 55 theoretical units of study and 19 academic credits of clinical experience.
- Advanced practicum: 9 academic credits
In addition to completing all academic nursing prerequisites for licensure, students must complete a mentor directed study program in an Israeli hospital. The three mandatory areas of study cover Israeli laws and regulations, an overview of the Israeli health system, and training for states of emergency and trauma. A booklet provided by Misrad Habriut covers these areas and is a good study guide.
For most immigrants, the thought of learning a new language can be somewhat daunting and even discouraging, especially for those who work in a specialized field, such as health care, which requires fluency in technical terms in addition to the basic conversational and written language. In an effort to ease the process and promote immigration, the nursing exam in Israel is offered English, Arabic, Spanish, French, and Russian in addition to Modern Hebrew.
However, each applicant must pass a Hebrew proficiency test before taking the exam in his or her alternative language of choice. New Olim (immigrants) are encouraged to take advantage of free Hebrew language classes (Ulpan) offered throughout Israel, as well as obtain industry specific language guides, available by contacting the Israeli Ministry of Education (Misrad Hachinuch). The nursing exam in Hebrew is given twice a year, usually in April and October, while the exam in English is given only once a year - sometime in the fall. If planned well, applicants should complete all nursing prerequisites in time to meet testing schedules.
For more information about alternative language testing, including the medical field, applicants should visit the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE) website. NITE is an Israeli academic organization supervised by a board of directors consisting of representatives from all Israeli academically recognized universities. The website includes Hebrew and English proficiency practice exams.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Certified Nursing Assistant Jobs
Do you enjoy working with people and are compassionate about wanting to improve someone’s quality of life? Are you looking for a career in health care but do not have the time to go to school full time to become a registered nurse but want to see if the medical field is for you? If so then taking looking for certified nursing assistant (CNA) jobs would be the first step before enrolling in CNA training to become certified.
A certified nursing assistant was also known as an orderly, nurses aide, patient care technician or home health worker and works under the supervision of a nurse to give help to patients with their daily tasks. A certified nurse assistant works very closely with the patients on a daily basis helping them bathe, with grooming, feeding them and assisting the nurse with any medical equipment and checking vital signs like blood pressure, temperature and heart rates.
Certified nursing assistants provide vital information on their patient’s daily emotional and physical well being and give patients some social and emotional support as well. Many registered nurses got their start as certified nursing assistants and are better because of that early experience. The nice thing about certified nursing assistant (CAN) jobs are that you do not need a bachelor’s or even an associate’s degree to get one. The requirements are that you have at least a GED and have passed a six to twelve week certified nursing assistant certificate program from your local community college, online educational institution or medical facility.
Some of the subjects you can expect to study will be biology, physiology, anatomy, nutrition, infection control and some basic nursing skills. There will be plenty of opportunity for hands on learning in clinical activities. Each state has different qualifications you need to meet so check with the state medical board for the specific qualifications you will need to become a certified nursing assistant. Home health workers can be certified through the National Association for Home Care.
As the American population continues to age the market for certified nursing assistant (CAN) jobs will continue to increase. Certified nursing assistants work in the home health field in private homes, in nursing homes, mental hospitals, assisted living facilities and regular hospitals. You can expect to start at around $20,000 and can reach almost $40,000 depending on your years of experience and the facility that you work for.
If you are not sure what educational institution to use for your certification you can check out the classified ads and many times assisted living centers or nursing homes will offer the opportunity to earn while you learn to be a certified nursing assistant. This is usually offered to those who do not have any prior medical experience. You will be required to work for some stated period of time after gaining your certification and that the institution may offer to pay for your state exam as well. You will need to pass both the practical and knowledge portions of the CNA skills test to receive your certificate.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Online Nursing Programs - Is It Even Doable?
Programs such as online LPN nursing classes are becomingly increasingly popular, since it allows students to get their degrees or certifications without having to change their schedules.
The Internet, with its great flexibility and ease of use has become a huge part of many people's lives. People use the Net to meet and start families, find and communicate with relatives they have lost, seek out and get jobs, take care of their health and get education. No wonder that you can now start a very successful nursing career taking online nursing programs that will prepare you for what might turn out to be the opportunity of a lifetime.
Why Nursing?
There are jobs that will always be in demand. We need teachers to teach our children. We need doctors to take care of the sick. We need lawyers to represent us in court and... we need nurses to help us take care of ourselves when we can't. If you want to have a fulfilling job that will make you feel good about yourself, because you'll be helping people, as well as give you a great salary, then nursing is just right for you.
Why Online Nursing Programs?
We all live in a very busy world. We have things going on all the time in our lives, so it's really convenient to be able to take classes whenever you want, do homework in your spare time and go through tests at your leasure.
Another great things about those programs is that they are usually much cheaper than going to the campus, spending money for travel and eating out all the time. When you participate in online nursing programs, all you have to do is log in to your student area and you can immediately start working. Can you imagine how much time it's going to save you?
What Should You Know Before You Sign Up For An Online Nursing Program?
There are a few things you need to be aware of before you join an online nursing program. One of the most important things, in my humble opinion at least, is security. You need to be sure that the information you exchange online with the school is absolutely safe. Most of the reputable nursing schools are safe to access online, all you have to do is a bit of research.
Another thing you have to pay close attention to is the faculty and staff. Again, most reputable schools publish information about the educators working at the school. If you visit the online nursing program's home page, you'll easily be able to verify the teachers' academic background.
These are just a few things that are crucial for you to know when you consider joining an online nursing program. It's impossible for me to cover everything you should know before joining a nursing program online, but I'd like you to check out this website if you feel like you need to do a little more research.
Some other resources that might be helpful are Hubpages ( Squidoo (
Not ready to commit to becoming a nurse? Consider becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant! Like nursing, you can take your courses and prepare for the CNA certification test online.
Monday, September 7, 2009
CNA: Training, Jobs, Salaries
Also known as CNA, Personal care Assistant, or PCA, Home Health Aide, the title will vary depending on the area or setting in which you are working. Certified Nursing assistants, are probably the hardest working, and the most underpaid.
The services they provide are immeasurable Nursing Assistants have to be caring, hardworking and dedicated. The position can be stressful yet rewarding. Many CNAs do not get the credit and recognition they deserve.
What is A CNA and How do I Become one? Certified Nursing Assistants work closely under the supervision of Nurses Usually an RN, or LPN. Certified Nursing assistants can work in a variety of settings, including, Nursing Home facilities, Hospital settings, or even provide care in the Home. The C NA functions in the role to assist with patient care needs. Duties vary, according to the location in which you choose to work. For example a home health aide duties, may consist of helping a client with a bath for that day, preparing a meal, reminding or assisting patient in medication, obtaining a blood sugar. Transporting a patient to an appointment, light chore work that may include assisting with laundry, and light house keeping in the part of the home where the patient spends most of the day.
A Nursing assistant who works in the hospital may be responsible for seven to thirteen patients at a time, they will usually do rounds every two hours on the patients, and be responsible for answering any call lights in between. The first round usually consist of taking a full set of vital signs on each patient, assisting with transfers, getting a patient from bed to chair, or putting them back to bed, they may assist with baths as well, and with meals.
Nursing assistants in the hospital settings can assist in inserting and removing Foley catheters, and many other task like such hooking up oxygen and assisting in dressing changes under direct supervision of RN. Certified Nursing Assistants that work in Nursing homes have the most demanding duties, they usually are responsible for ten or more patients at a time. It can be very physical as well, because a lot of the patients are not able to do much for themselves. It requires a lot of patience and understanding.
Certified nursing assistants are very important, for they are watchful eyes, because they spend most of their time with the patient they can alert the nurse to anything that may be abnormal, so that she can intervene.
There are also a number of free CNA training classes, online or through an institution such as a nursing home or hospital.
What kind of Training is Required? You can become a Certified Nursing Assistant in as little as six weeks. Depending on where you live, you can get training that is sometimes offered at local facilities, such as Local Hospitals, Nursing Homes. Technical Schools, or Community Colleges. The Red Cross, and Good will Industries even offer the training. In High School, depending on where you live, Health Occupations, Students of America allows you to obtain certification as a Nursing assistant as well. How the program works is that you take one semester, learning theory, the second semester is based on clinical, and then you are able to take the written exam to obtain certification.
Among others, there are a lot of Allied Health courses even offered on line. The college network, and Ashford university, to name a few offer programs in Allied Health. Certification, includes a written , and clinical demonstration. Clinical demonstration may include proper hand Hygiene, providing privacy, and dignity, obtaining oral and rectal and axillary temperatures. Obtaining a manual blood pressure. Giving a patient a bed bathe, Placing a patient on the bed pan, Making an occupied bed. Colostomy care, Oral hygiene etc.
Salary A certified Nursing Assistant Salary will range for any where between $19,00- $32,000 a year depending on the area where you live. Most Can will tell you that it is not about the money. They simply like what they do.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Deciding On A Schedule For Fall Classes
Accelerated programs have the distinct benefit of helping those who's responsibilities mean they often cannot accommodate a campus program with "regular" course hours. Rather than taking the two years, like a regular schedule, these programs usually take only about one and a half years to complete.
An accelerated nursing degree is just as good one that takes more time, it's just compacted into a quicker timeframe.
Nursing prerequisites and requirements will vary, and they may not actually be the same as they would for a regular degree curriculum, but they shouldn't be any more difficult to cover.
As with any of your decisions regarding courses choices, you should talk with the admissions counselor at the nursing school you are considering. If it's an online program, see if there's an admission office or staff that you can reach by telephone. If not, you can always send an email.
Some matriculating courses are now specially designed with the "modern" student in mind. That is, students who must juggle school with traditional life responsibilities. It's no longer unusual to see students who are also holding down a full time job or position, and in some cases having to care for children as single parents. This "modern" lifestyle imposes a whole different set of concerns and considerations, not just financially, but in terms of scheduling time to study, attend class, take tests, etc.
For someone who already has an undergraduate degree in nursing, these 'fast track' programs can mean the difference between being stuck in their current job position and title, and having the opportunity and ability to move up, not just in position, but in pay scale and earnings potential as well.
Regardless of a person's current situation though, it seems as if time is more fleeting and precious these days as compared to what it was like many years ago. People are beset on all sides by others moving ahead quickly, changing schedules and life choices, and the like. Even the decision making process seems to have taken on a sense of increased urgency, particularly in areas affecting job and career paths.
In any event, the time is now, so-to-speak. With fall almost here, summer is over, and many programs will be beginning very shortly. Waiting too much longer to make a choice will in effect be making the choice for you. That being said, it's never too late if you're willing to "lay it on the line". Go ahead and call the admissions office directly, drop in and visit in person, or start sending emails, along with follow up.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
CNA As An Introduction To Nursing
For many people, being a nursing assistant. Is there introduction to nursing as a career. Although nursing prerequisites don't require being a nurse assistant, it can certainly help in understanding the job and gaining real world experience.
Many people feel that way or go to get your nursing degree plays a big part in getting good nursing jobs. This is not necessarily true. Whether or you go through online LPN nursing classes, or a campus at the best nursing schools, demand is so high that you will still have choice of jobs.
Eve in the nursing schools overseas, such as those in the Philippines, turn out graduates who have their pick of jobs. Almost anywhere in the world. There is such an on going worldwide or ditch nurses, that programs can't turn out enough qualified people fill all the jobs. This chronic shortage is expected to continue well into the next decade.
Health care is such a dynamic and growing fields, almost any career path promises lifetime job security and the opportunity to earn higher pay. With so many people, out of work were in danger of losing their jobs, having a degree or certification insurers that you will never be out of work if you don't want to be. How many people, and how many careers can make that boast?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Certified Nursing Assistant Training
This job is also sometimes referred to as a "home health care aide," "nurse's aide," "patient care technician" or "orderly." CNAs provide numerous forms of assistance to patients, including feeding, bathing and grooming. They also assist nurses with medical equipment, take vital signs and relay information about the patients' conditions to nurses, providing enhanced care to their patients.
The CNA position is often considered a stepping stone in the career path of licensed nurse. Many nurses start out as CNAs and then bring to their nursing training valuable experience gained as a CNA. People who have chosen to become CNAs cite numerous reasons for doing so. One of the most frequently mentioned reasons is the amount of direct personal contact that CNAs have with patients.
A CNA is likely to be the medical professional whom a patient sees most frequently. This allows CNAs to provide care in the form of paying attention to a patient's health and emotional needs. CNAs make conversation with patients and collect information about the patients' well-being, symptoms and progress. Some people also cite job stability based on the number of people in the United States who are likely to need nursing assistance in the future remains high, which should keep CNAs in demand for years to come. Others note that the starting salary for CNAs, which can vary depending on years of experience, is in the range of $22,000 to $28,000.
CNAs can work in a variety of locations, including:
- (1) patients' homes;
- (2) nursing homes;
- (3) assisted living facilities;
- (4) hospitals;
- (5) hospices;
- (6) mental health centers.
In order to enroll in a CNA training program, a person needs to have a high school degree or GED. CNA training programs vary in length from 6 to 12 weeks, and are usually offered at community colleges or medical facilities.
Students participate in a classroom component and also practice skils in a clinical setting. In the classroom, students will learn about anatomy and physiology of the human body, nutrition, infection control and certain basic nursing skills. In clinical settings, students will learn how to transfer patients to and from beds and chairs, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and certain other nursing skills.
Clinical portions of a training program are designed to give students "hands-on" experience so that they are prepared to care for patients on their first day as a CNA. In terms of certification to practice as a CNA, the requirements are different in each state. However, most schools that offer training programs also offer certification. Prospective students are advised to inquire as to whether the school they have chosen offers certification. In the event that the school does not offer certification through its training program, it may also be possible to obtain certification through a national association for home health care.
Interested in becoming a CNA? You can find more information about the job, the training, and requirements at CNA Training Class:
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Nursing Jobs Continue Huge Boom In Demand
Today nursing jobs are trying many tactics to attract more applicants. Some of these tactics include a variety of scheduling options including flex time, 4-6 hour shifts, and week end options and on call positions. There is no longer any need to look at nursing as a 40 hour per week job. Now a new nurse can ask for a schedule which suits her needs best. Nurses with experience are almost guaranteed any type of schedule that they want.
Some of the nurses today are able to take nursing jobs and share the hours between tow or more people effectively. Hospitals have nursing pools and part time job opportunities that require only a few hours a month of actual commitment. Overtime opportunities mean more money for nurses and they are taking advantage of these big buck offerings.
Some full time nurses are routinely making 80-100 thousand dollars a year and this opportunity can be yours if you make the move to nursing.
There are nursing jobs available in every state and you can work full time as a regular employee or choose to work as a contract nurse or a travel nurse. With these nursing positions you are not an employee of any one hospital and you are free to work the hours that you want at a number of different hospitals. As a travel nurse you will bring home a good salary and benefits but you will also have free housing while on assignment. With travel nursing jobs you also have your travel expenses paid for or reimbursed.
With the increase in demand for qualified nurses comes increasing demand on schools and programs. More and more people are turning to nursing programs at community colleges and online courses in order to get their degree or certification. This trend will only continue.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Benefits of nursing school resources
Nursing school resources provide you with in depth information of the various nursing schools available in the country and even comprehensive information and reviews of the best of the lot. They also offer information on online nursing schools that enable you to study while working.
There are many websites that will help you understand the right nursing school for you, and what type of programs this offers. There are web sites that even provide you with direct links to health care centers, and hospitals that offer tremendous opportunities to nursing students and novice graduates.
Some such outstanding nursing school resources which cater for all your requirements are:
NSNA - The National Student Nurses Association
AACN - American Association of Colleges of Nursing
AORN Foundation - Student Nurse Scholarships
These nursing school resources are not only reliable but allow you to check everything about an institute offering a nursing degree. They provide you with a curriculum of the program you have opted for and what outline all facilities you will be getting.
Nursing career options available at some of the best schools are:
- Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Careers
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Career
- Anesthesiologist Nursing Career
- Registered Nurse
- Licensed Vocational Nurse
- Forensic Nurse Career
- Geriatric Nurse Description
- Pediatric Nurse Information
- Neonatal Nurse Info
- Psychiatric Nurse
- Traveling Nursing
- Home Nurse
- Parish Nurse
Nursing school resources offer complete information on the schools and the career options you may opt for after qualifying from one of the top most universities.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Nursing Programs and CNA Training
Nursing school program accreditation is a self-regulatory voluntary process where schools and/or programs that have been found to conform to or surpass certain standards and criteria for educational quality.
For nursing school programs, there are two national organizations that provide accreditation: NLNAC (National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission) and CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education).
Even though not every nursing school and nursing program is CCNE or NLNAC accredited, and it's certainly possible to obtain a quality nursing education without going to an accredited nursing school, a degree from an institution accredited by one of these organizations virtually guarantees you to be qualified to attend another accredited school of nursing, should you be interested in an advanced degree, for example an RN-to-BSN or Master’s degree.
It's also worth noting that some some scholarships are available only to students attending accredited nursing programs.
If you feel unprepared for nursing courses, you can find plenty of courses you to help you get ready to tackle the nursing school program curriculum, as well as a host of online resources offering you advice about various nursing career choices. Some of these resources will even direct you to specific programs for nursing that are in your local area.
You might also want to consider becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). There are plenty of free CNA classes online that can help you get your certification.
No matter where you live, what your position is, you can find nursing school programs that you can enter now, either by visiting the local campus or school directly, or enrolling online.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Nursing School and Other Endeavors
In the last few months, I've begun working on some informational sites on other topics. In May I launched a site about annuities and structured settlements.
The same month I launched another 'school' site about scholarship programs. I'm enjoying working in these different areas.
More recently, I started a blog that will look into the American Heart Association Diet plans. As someone who could use losing a few pounds, I expect to get a lot out of this effort!
Given the current financial climate, I started doing some research on mortgages and homeownership. This has led to a new site about the steps in foreclosure.
I will continue to work on the nursing sites, and hope you will continue to visit!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Getting Nursing School Loans
One of the safest loan opportunities that a nursing student can take advantage of is a federally backed loan such a Stafford student loan.
If you’ve considered nursing school but thought you couldn’t afford it, you might want to reconsider. Even in today’s economy, there are plenty of financial aid opportunities to pay for a nursing program. You can get funding whether you’re considering a local campus, or online nursing classes.
Once someone decides on nursing as a career they are anxious to learn about ways of paying for nursing school. Depending on a nursing student’s SAT score they could automatically be eligible for consideration for a nursing school scholarship. Most of the nursing scholarships that are widely available come from private and public organizations
Financial aid for nursing school is available as grants, scholarships, or even work-study programs. As with most degree or certification programs, nursing school can be quite expensive. Particularly in today’s bleak financial state, finding help paying for school can be a necessity.
A number of the online nursing programs offer financial aid. There are also on-campus programs. In fact, earning your nursing degree online can be more cost-effective and flexible
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Nursing School Loans
In addition to traditional student loans, there is a wide array of scholarships and grants available. One of the chief benefits of a scholarship or grant, is that it's essentially free money, meaning you don't have to pay it back. The federal government has over 1000 federal programs in the US. You can get federal grant information and applications through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) available at
You can also help pay for nursing school with the Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program (NSLFP) at While no one likes to be saddled with debt, a nursing school loan is an investment in your future.
As for the loan itself, it will generally have a low interest since the federal government regulates the interest rate maximums that lenders can charge on federally guaranteed student loans. This definitely helps make the loans easier to pay-back, plus you don't have to begin loan repayment until six months after graduation!
If you are considering a career in health care, a nursing school loan can help you have the career you want. You can pursue any type of certification, from Registered Nurse (RN), to Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), even a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. And nursing school loans can be used for obtaining an online nursing degree as well. The rewards you gain will be financial security, job security, and personal satisfaction that comes from helping others!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Getting Free Nursing CEU's
Some states have set requirements that list how many continuing education units a nurse must take each year. California was one of the first states to require their nurses to have documentation of the CEUs they take annually. Hospitals will also document your CEU status and the amount you have can influence your evaluations, raises and promotions. There are also free nursing CEUs that will be provided to you by the hospital.
By being able to take free nursing CEUs online, this gives nurses great freedom of choice about which topics they want to study. The free nursing CEUs are offered by dozens of different organizations and there is a tremendous variety among the topics. Some of the CEUs are only one or two pages long and the material can very easily be covered in a matter of minutes. A great advantage to having continuing educational units available on line is the ability to take the classes when you have spare moments and you can take as many of the free classes as you like.
Free nursing CEUs will add depth to your resume and it will add to your knowledge base for nursing. You will be surprised by how quickly you can go through the material. This is a way for you to keep yourself informed and updated about important topics in nursing at your convenience.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Registered Nursing Jobs Are Plentiful
There is a huge demand for applicants to fill the thousands of open registered nursing jobs that are available in all 50 states. The jobs are available and with each position there is also the opportunity to receive high starting pay and exceptional benefits. There are many registered nursing jobs that remain unfilled even after months and sometimes years of recruiting. During the shortage of nurses it is up to the available staff to try and stretch themselves to take up the slack.
With the high amount of registered nursing jobs available it is a market of opportunity for those nurses with experience. An experienced nurse will be rewarded by a higher starting pay and extra bonuses. New nurses should not feel overlooked; they are being heavily recruited as well. Having a large number of registered nursing jobs to select from makes it more likely that you will be able to find the type of job that will make you happy. There are nursing positions available in all areas of the health profession and you have only to look for the kind of working environment that you prefer.
For people who may like to travel there are registered nursing jobs available as contractors and these will allow you to work for different hospitals across the nation. You can sign up for a nursing contract or a travel position that lasts from 4-52 weeks at any one hospital and all of your travel and housing costs will be covered in addition to your salary. Some of these positions may even offer very good benefits. When you choose registered nursing jobs as a contractor you are free to renew the contract or travel to a new location when you complete the current assignment. Some individuals, and also married couples who are both RNs, have established highly lucrative careers by working as nursing contractors.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Top Ways to A BSN Degree For People With Full Time Jobs
Upper management for nurses requires that any applicant have at least a BSN degree. For many nurses this seemed an unlikely scenario since they could not afford to work only part time and go to school. This is what makes getting a BSN degree online so appealing. The stress level involved with many courses is greatly decreased when you are able to go at your own pace and take the tests when you feel prepared. Online schools even are able to provide tutors if you need them. There are also forums and online nursing communities that will give you support and encouragement.
You do not have to rearrange schedules or change jobs. You do not even have to work fewer hours. Online BSN programs can be arranged around your present schedule and you are able to take the classes when it is convenient for you to do so. One of the best things about an online BSN degree is that you can achieve it without the aggravation of daily commuting to a campus setting. There are also accelerated BSN programs available.
The online community of nursing has helped many realize their goal of being awarded a BSN degree and it is all done in the comfort of your own home. You can also choose some of the BSN bridge programs that are offered through your local universities and take classes on campus if you choose. Many of these courses are now being conducted at night and on the weekends in order to make it easier for their working students.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Nursing Shortage Reaches a Critical Level
Hospitals and nursing homes are going to be hit very hard over the coming years because their nursing shortage is already quite high. More nurses are going into other areas of work and there is much brainstorming underway to figure out new ways to attract nurses into the critically needed positions. The nursing shortage is creating headaches for many employers but it is opening more opportunities for nurses.
Today the nursing shortage is present in all medical areas and even all of the related fields. A nurse now can choose her job from among doctors’ offices, one day surgery clinics, legal firms, industries and school settings. All of these will offer good pay, great benefits and job security. Thanks to the critical nursing shortage nationwide, nurses now have unlimited opportunities for work in any section of the country. Many employers will gladly reimburse your travel and relocation expenses if you will guarantee to stay with them for at least 1-2 years.
Even new graduates with little or no on the job experience are benefiting by the national nursing shortage and are being actively recruited by dozens of employers. There are few jobs on the market that offer the high starting salaries of a nurse, especially when the employee has only a 2 year degree. The high salaries and benefits have been a direct result of the nursing shortage and you can expect to watch salaries to continue to climb over the next few years.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Getting Your Nursing Degree

Click above to get free information on the best, fastest, and least expensive way to get your nursing degree.
Friday, May 29, 2009
2 Year Nursing Program More And More Popular
Attending some of the more traditional nursing programs is not possible for many people who have jobs and families. Their daily schedules just do not allow them the luxury of going to class during the day. Even though some people had a great desire to become a nurse they were just not able to fit the course schedules into their limited available time. Commuting back and forth on a daily basis also posed a problem and poses a greater problem now that gas costs are so high; but nursing schools online offer an alternative. A lot of individuals have continued to hold on to the hope that they could one day make their dream of becoming a nurse happen. Now nursing schools are offering two year nursing programs, something many more people can pursue. This is opening the doors of opportunity to a highly paid and rewarding job that can last you a lifetime. With a career in nursing you will enjoy job security, good pay and good benefits while making a difference in the lives of others.
With a 2 year nursing program you now have the ability to structure nursing classes around your schedule so you can make it work. The courses can be taken online during the hours that are convenient for you and they will not interfere with your daily life. These are accredited institutions that are doing their part to help with the shortage of nurses that is seen across the country.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Registered Nursing Jobs
Nursing jobs are changing and they have become more and more attractive to both men and women over the past 2 decades. Nurses have been given more autonomy and respect as well as better pay and benefits. Scheduling options have been opened up so there are more part time nursing jobs available and even 4 and 6 hour work schedules have been created. Some nursing jobs even are in place that require you to only two 12 hour week end shifts and be paid for 40 hours with full benefits.
There is such a high demand for trained professional nurses that alternative nursing programs are now booming. Two year technical programs are in place as well as online nursing schools and these programs are making it possible for people who work and have families to enroll in nursing courses. You can choose to train as an LPN or an RN, the decision is yours. There are literally thousands of registered nursing jobs, LPN nursing jobs, etc. opening up every week.
Today registered nursing jobs offer a world of possibilities and opens a door to a brand new chapter in your life. The starting pay for nurses will be about $800 per week and you can quickly increase this amount with training and experience. Hospitals and businesses are eager to hire nurses and they are offering some very nice benefit packages which include family leave, sick pay, disability and retirement plans. You can also expect to find many employers who will help pay for nursing education and also will pay travel and moving expenses in order to recruit nurses for their open positions.
Friday, May 22, 2009
More registered nursing jobs added to the nationwide list daily
Baby boomers are getting to retirement age and that means more of them will be leaving their jobs as nurses. These registered nursing jobs will then be added to the ever growing list of open positions. Not only are baby boomers retiring, there is a huge segment of the population that will be reaching the age where more medical care and assistance will be required. This means that not only will hospitals need more nurses, so will be rehab centers, surgical centers and nursing homes.
Registered nursing jobs show no sign of slowing down anytime in the foreseeable future and this is good for those people just starting their nursing careers. Salary and benefit packages for registered nursing jobs are high now and they are going to be going even higher over the next ten to twenty years. This means that nursing is going to gain a reputation for being one of the higher paying careers. Already nursing is one of the highest paying jobs that can be obtained with a 2 year degree.
If you are interested in information about registered nursing jobs that are available in your community you can look in the classified ads or online. This will give you an idea of the salary range and companies looking to hire now that are in your community. You can also find out online what some other cities and states are paying their nurses. This will give you some idea about the salary you can reasonably expect once you have graduated from nursing school.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Become A Certified Nursing Assistant With Red Cross CNA Classes
There are many different nursing school programs out there today, but which one should you choose? Are you confused about what differentiates one type of nurse from another? This article will introduce you to a few programs and what kind of nurse you can become.
Many people enter the nursing world as a Certified Nursing Assistant, commonly called nurse's aides. A CNA's education is limited, which means it is easy to become one, but your responsibilities will be few and general in nature. You would perform tasks like making beds, feeding and bathing patients, and checking vital signs. You will not be doing any invasive procedures. For a Certified Nursing Assistant, there is no college required. There are vocational training programs you can participate in. Once your studies and practicum are complete, usually within a few weeks, you can get certified and start working.
The next step up from a CNA is the Licensed Practical Nurse. The LPN are the foot soldiers of the nursing world. They supervise CNA's and take their instructions from an RN. You would be responsible for patient charts, medicating patients, assisting other nurses, injections, and more. To be an LPN, you must obtain an associate's degree in nursing, but this can be completed in one to two years. At the end of your courses, you will have to pass the NCLEX-PN exam. Only then can you become licensed and being work.
A Registered Nurse or RN can provide all the care of the CNA, LPN, plus have added responsibilities in patient care and surgery and take their orders directly from physicians. This type of nurse will oversee the LPNs and CNAs. To be an RN, the minimum requirement is an associate's degree in nursing. A four-year bachelor's degree, though, is more widely preferred. No matter which educational approach you take to becoming an RN, you will still have to take and pass the NCLEX-RN before licensed and able to work.
If you are already an LPN or RN, universities offer you options to continue your education. There is a program called RN to BSN, which provides a registered nurse with only an associate's degree to achieve a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The same exists for an LPN but is slightly different. If you still want to take your education farther, you can climb all the way up to a PhD with hard work and ambition.
So, now that you know more about the different forms of nurses and nursing school programs, including the Red Cross CNA class, you can decide which one matches your personality. The CNA requires the least amount of education while the LPN and RN take more time and study. The health care field is always growing, so your job outlook is good!
Click here if you'd like to learn more about Red Cross CNA Class
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Pursuing a BSN Online Nursing degree
There are numerous online degree provider and the internet is a powerful resource to find one that can provide you with the educational dream you are hoping to achieve. They can help you with the edge to fulfill the current demands of today’s multi-faceted healthcare environment and enables you to acquire professional roles higher than what you already achieved so far.
The endeavor of finishing a Bachelor’s Degree not only provides you with higher job opportunity but also increases your professional knowledge thereby creating a self-fulfillment in the end.
For online students, this gives you the flexibility of learning in your own time and since online faculties understands the situation, they make sure that your time learning online will have a full positive impact in your actual application when you go to work.
So in short, you learn the coursework at your most convenient time at home, and then you can apply it immediately during your working time with actual patients and actual nursing environment. Online Nursing Courses are not that different from traditional classrooms in that the presence of group discussions, real time and interactive seminars always provide a community for conversations and debates.
Make sure though that you check the school before you enroll. Accreditation of an institution is important so that you know that their rules and policies are guided by international standards as well as a school’s integrity. Usually, the big universities have online degree offerings due to the boom of internet education.
An online nursing degree not only provides flexibility to students, it also helps a lot of people in all walks of life who if internet school is not available, they will not have the opportunity to further their education.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Choosing A Two-Year Nursing Program
There are very few career fields as hot or as secure as nursing. If you look in the classified section of any newspaper, browse through any Internet job site or visit the human resources department at any medical facility, the things you’ll find in common are the high number of nursing vacancies available.
Trained nurses are in high demand, which means they can command great salaries and desirable shifts, especially in the specialized fields. So if you’ve dreamed of becoming a nurse, this is the time to make it happen.
You can find nursing schools, both public and private, almost everywhere in the country today, all of them offering various levels of training to get you started in the field. One of the great things about nursing field is that it includes both men and women of all age groups, as many individuals decide to switch careers later in life. Some of the best nurses are those who have been in the workforce for several years and have other experiences under their belt.
Checking out your local community college is one of the most affordable ways to get into nursing school. There is probably an Associate Degree Nursing program at a two-year institution near you, which will give you the academic, hands-on and clinical training you need to graduate.
Upon successful completion of the program, you would be eligible to take the licensing examination for your particular state to become a Registered Nurse (RN). Getting into the nursing program of your choice is fairly simple, but because it’s a popular field right now, there may be a waiting list.
When you find a nursing school that you’d like to attend, make an appointment with one of their admissions counselors to discuss any special coursework you may need to pick up in order to gain entry into the program. It’s best to get that out of the way quickly, so you can concentrate on the specialty nursing classes once you become a student.
Going into a four-year degree program is also an option, but if you have your heart set on nursing and want to get right into patient care, finding a community college nursing school curriculum and pursuing a two year nursing degree is the way to go. Plus, it’s also more affordable, and who doesn’t like that? Good luck!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Online Programs For BSN Degrees & RN to BSN Programs
As a RN or Registered Nurse, you can also consider one of the RN to BSN programs.
Upper management for nurses requires that any applicant have no less than a BSN degree. For many nurses this seemed an unlikely scenario since they could not afford to work only part time and go to school. This is what makes getting a BSN degree online so appealing. The stress level involved with many courses is greatly decreased when you are able to go at your own pace and take the tests when you feel prepared. Online schools even are able to provide tutors if you need them. There are also forums and online nursing communities that will give you support and encouragement.
You do not have to rearrange schedules or change jobs. You do not even have to work fewer hours. Online BSN programs can be arranged around your present schedule and you are able to take the classes when it is convenient for you to do so. One of the best things about an online BSN degree is that you can achieve it without the aggravation of daily commuting to a campus setting.
The online community of nursing has helped many realize their goal of being awarded a BSN degree and it is all done in the comfort of your own home. You can also choose some of the BSN bridge programs that are offered through your local universities and take classes on campus if you choose. Many of these courses are now being conducted at night and on the weekends in order to make it easier for their working students.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Nursing School Programs Squidoo Lens
The Nursing School Programs website is the feature of a new Squidoo lens:
This Squidoo lens features information about, as well as articles relating to nursing programs, careers as a nurse, where to apply for a nursing degree, and the different career choices you have as a nurse.
The health care field is wide open, with a chronic shortage of RN’s, LPN’s, PA’s (Physicians Assistants), mental health care workers, and every other related field.
In addition, this lens has a RSS news feed from Google, links to articles about nurse careers and programs, and videos from Youtube.’
There is also a mini-gallery of pictures related to nursing from Flikr, and even a listing of books available on Amazon about the health care field.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Is an Accelerated Nursing Program the Right Choice for You
Students are subject to intense instruction and must attend full time courses without the traditional breaks between semesters in order to ensure the same amount of clinical hours as if they had enrolled in a traditional, entry-level nursing program. Because of the rigorous curriculum and extensive coursework, accelerated programs have high admission standards that generally require a GPA minimum of 3.0. Prospective students are subject to a meticulous prescreening process in an attempt to recognize individuals who will thrive in such a vigorous training environment. In order to keep up with the heavy workload and successfully complete the requirements of the program, administrators encourage accelerated program students to refrain from working.
Accelerated nursing programs and all prerequisites are generally completed in 11-18 months for baccalaureate degrees and 3 years for master’s degrees. There are 43 states nationwide that offer accelerated nursing programs, as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Colombia. Programs provide classroom and laboratory instruction as well as training in a clinical setting, providing valuable skills and preparing the student to become a beneficial member of a healthcare team. As a graduate of an accelerated nursing program with state licensure, nurses frequently pursue careers in settings that include nursing homes and hospitals, physician’s offices, public school systems and corporate occupational health.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Where To Find Online LPN Nursing Classes
By Brenne Meirowitz, B.A., M.S., M.A.
Becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) has become easier and more convenient with the advent of online LPN nursing classes. At the time of this writing, Petersons lists five major universities that offer online LPN nursing classes leading towards either a bachelor’s or master’s degree. These universities include Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana, and Motlow State Community College in Lynchburg, Tennessee. However, as of this writing, Motlow State has still not been granted accreditation by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Inc. (NLNAC), but expects it to be forthcoming upon the graduation of their first class sometime in the spring 2009. Although listed as a school which offers online nursing classes, North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton, North Dakota did not offer anything other than administrative courses in nursing.
Drexel offers an online an nursing certificate program, online bachelor degrees, as well as master degree programs in nursing through their College of Nursing and Health Professions. Drexel’s numerous online nursing programs are accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Additionally, Drexel offers post-master’s certificate online.
To be considered as an online nursing school candidate for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree program at Indiana Wesleyan University, the minimum requirement for admissions to their online nursing program is that an applicant already hold an Associate Degree in nursing comprising of 60 credits.
One of the greatest pluses for enrolling in online LPN nursing classes is that there is generally no waiting period. Once accepted, a student may begin classes without waiting for the following semester or beginning of the school year as is the case with almost all traditional schools. Most schools also offer financial aid.
Click here to read more about LPN nursing classes at Nursing School Programs.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Financial Aid For Nursing School
Nursing is one profession that requires lot of dedication and compassion. If you think that you are right for a nursing job but are facing financial problems, you'll finde financial aid for nursing school available from many different places.
Finding funding for your continuing education can be quite a hassle these days, but if you're set on a career as a nurse, there is financial aid available that will help you not only to pay for your school tuition fee, but also for your books and everything else you will require.
Types of financial aid for nursing school
There are mainly four types of financial aid for nursing school. These include scholarships, loans, grants and work study. Deciding upon one may be difficult and in fact most of the nursing students end up having a combination of these.
Certainly there is nothing better than a scholarship. You can apply for many types of scholarships, not just those for being a brilliant student with near-perfect grades and class performance. The best thing about scholarships is they tend to take care of your entire fees; this even includes your basic requirements for books etc.
The next option is grants, but these can be called a bit mysterious. Your state and your school too offer grants which you will not need to repay. You can apply for federal grants like Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant and Federal Pell Grant.
Loans are something which most students dread. Interests start adding up immediately after you graduate. The major loans that students opt for are Federal Stafford Loans and Federal PLUS Loans, Federal Perkins Loan and the Supplemental loans.
Financial aid for nursing school also includes work study. There are many on-campus jobs that you may apply for, which may not be fun filled or glamorous, but definitely help you in paying for your own studies.
Financial aid for nursing school is an important options to study further when considering applying to a nursing school program.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Internet Provides A Great Resource For New And Used Nursing Textbooks
Studying nursing has become even easier with the internet coming to students’ rescue. After online nursing schools, internet has become a library for nursing students offering a great variety of nursing textbooks. You may either choose to download these nursing textbooks, or you may just buy them online at a much cheaper rate.
Nursing is a great career option these days and owing to the shortage of nursing staff in most hospitals they have become highly lucrative as well. The cost of studies, on the other hand, is not very high for nursing courses. Thus by reducing the initial cost of studies, you may make a profitable step.
These days internet is available in almost every home and it has become part and parcel of our lives. Sitting in your home in front of your computer, you may get all your study materials that too without paying a penny. All the major nursing text books are available online for download. These books are very expensive when you go and buy them in the market.
In case, you are one of those individuals who needs a book in hand to study, you may still get very good options through internet. The books which are available on the market, at a very high price are available on internet at almost half the market prices. You may search on Google or one of the top search engines to check out various websites that sell nursing textbooks at a very competitive price.
There are many stores that sell second hand nursing textbooks as well. But we can’t know everything about every store. Here too internet comes to your rescue by providing information of all the stores that sell nursing second hand nursing textbooks at cheaper rates.
It won’t be wrong in calling the internet a storehouse of everything possible, and indeed you will find how true it is once you go online to search for new and used nursing textbooks that you always required for studies.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Expand your career with nursing degrees
Nursing degrees today can give you the most lucrative career options. The health care sector has registered nurses as its largest occupant providing as many as 2.4 million jobs.
Duties of Nurses
The duties one has to abide by after pursuing nursing degrees include treatment of patients, providing emotional support and advice, educating patients and their families. RN with nursing degrees are supposed to keep track of the patients’ symptoms and medical history, operate medical equipment, ensure correct treatment and medication that follows, aiding doctors in diagnostic tests, and helping the patient to recover and rehabilitate.
As a registered nurse one even has to educate the patient and his family, about managing an injury or a particular disease. How to check whether patients are maintaining the right diet, exercise programs and medication administration, are all duties carried out by a nurse. All the follow up that takes place post treatment has to be looked after by a nurse.
Specializations for Registered Nurses
The best part about a nursing degree is that you can specialize on one and at times even two patient care specialties. According to the type of treatment or the setting you work in, the specialization can be divided into four categories:
- Disease
- Condition
- Organ type
- Population
No matter which specialization a nurse goes for, one has to work in hospitals, physician’s clinic, outpatient rehabilitation center, home care center or in a long term care facility.
Nursing Career Advancement
By completing RN-to-BSN program, individuals can really accelerate their career in nursing. Bachelor’s nursing degrees take almost 12-18 months for completion, and those who want to further expand their career even more, may even opt for a master’s degree. For offering services to a broader spectrum, a degree is a must and that is the reason why many RNs holding a diploma or ADN later on opt for nursing degrees.
Interested in becoming a nurse? Get tons of useful information at: Nursing School Programs!